Sunday 2 May 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

^^ nice one do i get a free fish and chips with that ??

Being called a bloke

Well would ya know it my friend Michelle's crayzee loony ex hump from Amsterdam messaged me on Facebook and called me a bloke , i wouldn't mind but i have been called far worse by far better people than her .. shows that crazy lesbo's are still out there.

Sea monkeys

I find this very unsettling - the sea monkeys are getting more jiggy wiggy than me ..

Saturday 1 May 2010

Grass cutting

Jesus H ..
Why is it when you own dogs you have the joy of picking it all up before you can even dust the mower off ?
Having spent over and hour picking up the dung of three average size dogs that may aswell be donkey's on Blackpool beach. I can happily say that I have just cut three lawns in preperation of my Jollies to Cornwall leaving the ball and chain at home to keep the fires burning.

Not that i didn't want her to go , but on the whole her looks of disgust whilst i sip scrumpy through a straw may be more than my poor nerves can take , thus for a week i will be footloose and fancy free. (Heaven help Cornwall).

The grass has been cut , i re - arranged the furniture in the bedroom , caused myself untold mischiefs but I am on the way to some larks with friends and a drunken stupor .. I may buy myself a new hat (the festival one from last year is a bit dusty).